9 Level lift Violet Bleach with Plex
Anti Yellow Formula
NVL Plex9, up to 9 levels extra-lightening capability powder lightener, formulated to preserve hair
wellness. User friendly. Ideal for any professional lifting technique NVL Plex9, a powder lightener that
has extra-lightening capability, formulated to lift up to 9 levels while preserving hair wellness. Ideal
for any professional lifting technique
INSTRUCTIONS: Mix with the oxidising cream only a 1:2 dilution
ratio, for example for 50g of bleaching powder, add 100ml of 10/20/30/40 Vol (The use of 40 Vol is
allowed for freehand techniques.) Leave on up to 70 minutes maximum -(when using low volume
oxidising cream). Choose the oxidant volume based on the level of lift you wish to achieve
Setting time: Setting time varies from 15minutes up to 70 minutes maximum.
Results are influenced by various factors such as hair tone, the condition of the hair,
the technique used, the temperature of the room, the volume and quantity of the oxidising cream used.